Popular All-In-One Devices for Occupational Health and Worksite Vision Screenings:
Optec 5500P included with the Industrial (5000ITS) slide package
$4,766.00Add to cart
Occupational Health
Stereo Optical Co., Inc. is the leading manufacturer of vision screening tools and equipment. We specialize in products for employee vision screening in many different industries, including automobile, pharmaceutical, and the general office environment, as well as occupational health clinics.
It is estimated that 33% of the world’s workforce has uncorrected vision problems leading to approximately $269 billion USD in lost productivity. Within the workplace, vision screenings or examinations are often conducted to ensure the minimum level of functioning needed to accomplish specific visual tasks. The screenings can be conducted upon employee placement and periodically throughout a worker’s career. Our tests, including acuity, color, depth perception, phoria, and peripheral vision, provide complete occupational screening using accurate and easily understandable targets to help determine effective vision. This can lead to less financial and legal risk with work-related injuries.
We strive to deliver products and solutions of the highest quality. Please contact us if you have questions or comments.
Optec 5500P Vision Screener or Optec 5000P Vision Screener
- With the Industrial slide package and a peripheral vision test
- Ideal for OSHA screenings
- View-in port large enough to accommodate safety frames
- Include Purdue Job Standards Booklet (guide with ‘norms’ for various job functions) to identify individuals requiring further testing
- Intermediate lenses available for VDT operators
- Distance [20ft (6m)] and Near [16in (40cm] lens systems
All tests are easily administered by staff, with no certification required. The models are lightweight and portable, with an optional carrying case. No service or calibrations is required.
- Industrial Slide Package
- Driver Rehabilitation Slide Package
- Ophthalmic Prescreening Slide Package
- International Slide Package
- Individual Slides for Customization
Headrest Tissues – Optec 5000, 2000 & 1000 Series (5000/pkg)
Code: 2000207